Marketing Problems with Business Web Search Query

Marketing Problems with Business Web Search Query

Once in our company a task arose to estimate the number of business keywords among all world keywords in search engines. At first glance, this was a simple task. But when we started to work under task, our team ran into some problems. Firstly, we did not find any similar studies that met our criteria. We had to segmented all keywords from the business and distribute them by popularity. Secondly, short business search requests do not differ from other requests. For example, the request “buy feed” can be executed from anyone looking for food for pet. But “to buy wholesale feed for pigs” is most likely done by a farmer. These keywords are business requests. After some simple research, we found out that a person who is looking for something for a business will have to resort to refinement of the request. Thus, business requests are long tail requests.

Then there is an even bigger problem. We know that a person will make long request concerned a business. Short request will include a lot of non-target audience keywords. However, we extremely lose our audience reach dua refining request. Let’s check on the example of the popular business keyword “Marketing”. A “Marketing” request include results for students, children, housewives, company employees, business owners, etc. We had clarified the request. Requery “marketing” was added one word that could potentially be attributed to business. Let’s call this the second level of queries. We have determined that on the second level, the most popular queries make up only 4% of the “marketing” request. However, queries at the second level generally produce results that do not satisfy a person from the business area. Most likely, this person have to clarify the request with one or even two additional words (third and fourth levels, respectively). At the third level, the most popular requests make up 6% of the requests at the second. The number of requests with four words compared to the third level requests are less on 70%. As a result, the specified with 3 more words “marketing” requests make up only 0.2% of a single word “marketing” request.

What do we get as a result? Using one keyword does not separate business request from others. Such requests will not attract the target audience, and the advertising campaign budget will simply be wasted. On the other hand, bringing in additional semantics reduces the number of requests. In this case, the target audience may simply be lost. It becomes clear that business request should be long tail and their number should be not just large, but very large. Marketers should spend more time researching such requests. However, the competitiveness of the advertising campaign is greatly increased.